Author Archive

New single : “Another World”! Now on Soundcloud

November 26, 2013 By Katerina
in featured, News, Uncategorized
Listen to the new single “Another World” from the new SD album “New Substance”! “New Substance” will be available on
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Important: Change of Venue! New Substance Album launch, December 7 @ The Archway Tavern, London!

November 7, 2013 By Katerina
in featured, News
We kindly invite you to attend the Album Launch for our new forthcoming album New Substance @ The Archway Tavern, London! Also on the line up very special guests SPACEBUOY plus the brilliant AMONG THE ECHOES and JOHNNY NORMAL. DJ...
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07/09/2013 The single “Mother” was launched!

September 13, 2013 By Katerina
in featured, News, Shows
The launch started early in the morning by radio! Mother was proudly played by phoenix FM and Rob Harvey at approximately 9h20 in the morning!! And it was received brilliantly! That gave us all the energy we needed for the launch...
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“Mother” to be our first single of “New Substance” ! Official presentation September, 7!

August 7, 2013 By Katerina
in featured, News
Finally it is here! Come and join us on our very first presentation of the first single release, of our forthcoming album New Substance, namely Mother. September 7, at Cultura Villeneuve D Ascq, at 3pm, you can have the chance to...
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End of tour – start of a new journey!

June 30, 2013 By Katerina
in featured, News
The My angel Has Spoken Tour, has officially ended with our last performance at the Synthage festival!! We would like to thank all the people that stood by our side and helped us in various ways. Special thanks to our tour...
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Synthage Festival – June 8, 2013, yes we were there!

June 30, 2013 By Katerina
in featured, News
June 8, 2013 , and the Synthage festival was on…. In a flood striken Germany, most of the fans still managed to show up and have a fantastic night amongst all the great bands that performed that night!!! Full of good...
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i-Synth I – Lille was synthed for the very first time!

May 18, 2013 By Katerina
in featured, News, Uncategorized
It took us a little  more time to recuperate from this amazing weekend,  so that is why the blog entry took longer than usual! The celebrations started on the 26th of April. A Friday we will never forget! Shiny Darkness started...
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Yes we were in Bedford! 06/04/2013

April 9, 2013 By Katerina
in featured
Saturday, and the sun shine in Bedford prepared us for what was to follow! It is the second time we perform in Bedford, and again by the side of the amazing Speak and Spell. Again the venue impeccable, and many many friendly...
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SD in Barcelona – March 16 !

March 19, 2013 By Katerina
in featured, News
After a little less than a year , Shiny Darkness  returned to  Demonix  and Barcelona. It is the third time we are performing there and each time it gets better and better. Our Barcelona connection, dj Dan Martin,  put up a...
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Shiny Darkness synthed in Hambourg@ Maria’s Ballroom!

February 19, 2013 By Katerina
in featured, News
9/02/2013, a date to remember. This was our first gig in Germany, and Hamburg was the most perfect city for that!! Maria’s ballroom proved to be the perfect venue for this “start” Cosy , yet highly professional, the venue...
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